All in Nursing Life

Best, Wang Shi Kai Email 5 Part 1

In this edition of the Physician Grind Narratives, Dr. Rich AKA Wang Shi Kai returns to share with us more insights from his experience working as an Emergency Physician in China. He describes how the patient doctor relationship is broken. "A recent survey at my hospital found that almost 90% of respondents said they had been victims of physical abuse by patients.”

When Altruism Goes Wrong

In this edition of the Physician Grind Narratives first time contributor, Whi Inh Shirley Bae, shares with us a story from her premed days. She was bright eyed and bushy tailed when she found an abused woman in the waiting room of the emergency department she was volunteering at. Instead of finding a social worker to help the woman, Shirley decided to take matters into her own hands.